The Host Review: Unenlightened (Ch 28)

Another week another terrible chapter of this increasingly terrible book.  One of these days I’m going to compile some reviews of this piece of shit and show you why The Llama and I thought this might not suck this hard.  Which I shall hold up as Exhibit A in the case of why humanity has failed as a species.


It was disorienting to wake in the absolute dark. In the past months, I’d gotten used to having the sun tell me it was morning

Months?  Plural?  I thought they were only gone for 5-6 weeks?  That’s not months, that’s a month and a half.  Did we miss time?  Seriously, what the hell do these people do that takes them away for multiple months to search for supplies?!  And if Wanderer was only in San Diego for 6 months, it took approximately 2 months for Jared and Jamie to find Jeb, so if their trips out for extensive supplies take at least 2 months, they wouldn’t know that Jared was ‘magic’, because he would have only been able to have gone out once in that period of time.  So he might have proven to them that he’s useful, he could have even saved someone’s life, but they wouldn’t consider him infallible leader of their raiding parties that quickly.  At least not unless everyone else was completely incompetent, in which case how the fuck did they manage to raid at all before Jared arrived?  So, basically, the time line in this book is literally impossible.

Beside me, I could hear the sound of quiet, even breathing; it did not frighten me, because it was the most familiar of sounds here. I was not surprised that Jamie had crept back and slept beside me last night.

I am.  He should be ashamed of himself and unable to show her his face after what he did.  He came there to protect her, aggravated her would-be murderer, and then left her alone with him so he wouldn’t have to face his wounded pride!  Plus Wanderer’s an awful sound sleeper for someone as high strung as she is!  I would think by now she’d be trained to wake up at the most minor of twitches fearing someone was coming to chop off her head, but she managed to sleep through him walking down the tunnel and snuggling up beside her?  Okay, sure, why not.


Maybe it was the change in my breathing that woke him; maybe it was just that our schedules had become synchronized. But seconds after I was conscious, he gave a little gasp.

All I can think about with this is the old wives tale about women’s periods syncing up if they live together long enough.  The kid bonded to her like a little baby duck imprinting on its momma and I stand by all past statements that he is not acting like a 14 year old would at all.  5, yes, 14, no.

“Wanda?” he whispered.

“I’m right here.”

He sighed in relief.

“It’s really dark here,” he said.


“You think it’s breakfast time yet?”

“I don’t know.”

“I’m hungry. Let’s go see.”

He’s also dumb as a bag of hammers.


I didn’t answer him.

He interpreted my silence correctly, as the balk it was. “You don’t have to hide out here, Wanda,” he said earnestly, after waiting a moment for me to speak. “I talked to Jared last night. He’s going to stop picking on you–he promised.”

He wasn’t ‘picking’ on her, he was trying to kill her.  Kid you’ve already had your balls drop stop talking like a fucking toddler!  If Meyer wanted a purely innocent character she should have made him younger dammit!  Melanie and Jared are old enough, maybe he really could have BEEN their kid!  He’d be about 5 by this point, perfect age for the dialogue she’s ascribing to him!  Oh but that would ruin the purity of the characters!  I wouldn’t be surprised to find out in all the 5 or 6 years they were together Jared and Melanie never fucked.

I almost smiled. Picking on me.

Even she knows this is dumb.

“Will you come with me?” Jamie pressed. His hand found mine.

“Is that what you really want me to do?” I asked in a low voice.

“Yes. Everything will be the same as it was before.”

Mel? Is this best?

I don’t know. She was torn. She knew she couldn’t be objective; she wanted to see Jared.



She only cares about Jamie as long as Jared isn’t around, is basically what she just said right there.  Seeing the guy that tried to fucking kill her is clouding her judgement regarding the child she has sworn to protect and who, however poorly, tried to save her life.  Melanie is officially a worse person than Wanderer.

That’s crazy, you know.

Not as crazy as the fact that you want to see him, too.

“Fine, Jamie,” I agreed. “But don’t get upset when it’s not the same as before, okay? If things get ugly… Well, just don’t be surprised.”

Well that lasted a whole 4 lines.  Wanderer is just as bad as Melanie.  Or actively worse since the final decision to put Jamie in danger so they can see Jared was made by Wanderer.  Notice that Melanie is still active without Jared around, so they had to slip in a mention of Jared to give her a reason to be.  They’re both terrible, terrible people that need to be punched in the face.

When Jamie leads her out of the cave, they enter the area where the people are usually working in the gardens.  No one is there and that confuses the shit out of Wanderer and Melanie.  Jamie denies that there’s anything odd about it.

You’re human. Aren’t you supposed to have intuition or something?

Intuition? My intuition tells me that we don’t know this place as well as we thought we did, Melanie said.

Dear lord.  You know you’re kind of literally plugged into her brain, right Wanderer?  That if she has intuition, so do you?  She doesn’t get to use parts of her brain that you can’t!  Intuition isn’t some kind of innate thing that happens independent of thought processes!  It is subconsciously picking up on cues, putting them in context based on prior experience and knowledge, and coming to the most likely conclusions without consciously realizing you’re doing so.  That is what intuition is.  If Melanie’s mind made any of those intuitive leaps Wanderer would FUCKING know about it because she’s FUCKING ATTACHED TO HER GODDAMN BRAIN.


Ahem.  I may have possibly gotten a little worked up there.  Let’s keep going while I try and contain my temper shall we?

It was almost a relief to hear the normal noises of mealtime coming from the kitchen corridor. I didn’t particularly want to see anyone–besides the sick yearning to see Jared, of course–but the unpopulated tunnels, combined with the knowledge that something was being kept from me, made me edgy.

The fact that three of the people potentially in that kitchen have actually tried to kill you doesn’t make you edgy, just the fact that there’s a secret.  Sure.

The kitchen was not even half full–an oddity for this time of the morning. But I barely noticed that, because the smell coming from the banked stone oven overruled every other thought.

Wanderer’s issues with food keep almost getting her killed.  She should probably look into dealing with that.

We hurried, stomachs growling, to the counter by the oven where Lucina, the mother, stood with a plastic ladle in her hand.

Lucina, the mother.  The mother of who?  Of what?  The den mother?  Is she the mother of the kid born in the caves?  I genuinely forget.  And calling her ‘the mother’ just makes it sound like she’s the alpha female of the wolf pack or the Virgin Mary mother of God.  She is neither of those things so I assume Wanderer is saying her only important characteristic is being a mother.  Aunt Maggie is a mother too you know.  So she’s not even ‘the’ mother, she’s ‘a’ mother.  Why am I arguing semantics with this book…

nobody got time for that

She looked only at the boy as she spoke. “They tasted better an hour ago.”

“They’ll taste just fine now,” Jamie countered enthusiastically.

No one is around because breakfast was an hour ago.  Also; cold eggs are kind of disgusting.  Personally.  If I get scrambled eggs at a restaurant they have to be the first thing I eat otherwise they’re too cold by the time I get to them for me to be willing to eat them, so I recognize that I am just a crazy person though.

“Has everyone eaten?”

“Pretty much. I think they took a tray down to Doc and the rest.…” Lucina trailed off, and her eyes flickered to me for the first time; Jamie’s eyes did the same. I didn’t understand the expression that crossed Lucina’s features–it disappeared too quickly, replaced by something else as she appraised the new marks on my face.

As much as I don’t want to give her any credit because even with what I’m about to say this is still terribly written, but this actually does build some level of tension.  Without describing what Lucina’s expression is, we cannot draw our own conclusions and are forced to know as little as Wanderer about what’s going on.  We don’t know why Doc is somewhere else, or who ‘the rest’ are, we don’t know why they’re both looking at her at the mention of Doc other than that there’s probably a plan of some kind involving her in progress.

This is the benefit of the first person perspective that Meyer has been thus far ignoring.  By describing things she can’t possibly see, by having her constantly declare what she thinks expressions are rather than just telling us what she sees, we’re missing out on actually being able to feel her disconnection.

She struggled with facial expressions at first, having her vaguely describe the expressions she sees as mostly flat could have been a great way to make the reader feel as disoriented and lost on how to interpret the other characters as Wanderer felt.  Having her unclear on tonal shifts, describing them in odd terms such as ‘the pitch of his voice went up at one point’ instead of saying ‘he was angry’ could have made you have to try harder to keep up, and then all the complaints she has about not understanding people would have felt more genuine.  More relatable.  This is where first person perspective should be a handy tool and this is the first time in this entire book so far that Meyer has actually used it with any degree of efficiency.

The fact that I felt the need to give her credit for utilizing the narrative device for its intended effect makes me sad.

The fact that I felt the need to give her credit for utilizing the narrative device for its intended effect makes me sad.

“How much is left?” Jamie asked. His eagerness sounded a trifle forced now.

Lucina turned and bent, tugging a metal pan off the hot stones in the bottom of the oven with the bowl of the ladle. “How much do you want, Jamie? There’s plenty,” she told him without turning.

This seems odd to me.  If they have to go out for 6-8 weeks to get supplies, I would think they would be incredibly careful about how they used them.  Though I suppose eggs don’t last forever, but they can be put into things that will last longer.  But then if they have to go that far to get supplies, and they got eggs, wouldn’t the eggs be coming from so far away as to be virtually rotten already by the time they get them back to the cave?  Or is the source of the perishables close enough that they can get them back in a reasonable amount of time, thus suggesting that they should be able to get eggs more frequently?  Why don’t they just steal a few chickens?  They’re already growing corn.  I would think the advantage of having chickens would outweigh the crop cost to keep them alive.

“Pretend I’m Kyle,” he said with a laugh.

“A Kyle-sized portion it is,” Lucina said, but when she smiled, her eyes were unhappy.

What did I just say about not describing people’s expressions like that?!  I give you a little credit and you just screw it right up a few paragraphs later.

Anyway, she serves Jamie and then refuses to serve Wanderer because she’s kind of a massive bitch.  She’s been there without trouble for a few weeks, without them treating her like a pariah, and now all of a sudden because the raiders are back she won’t even ladle her some damn eggs?  Nope.  Don’t buy it.  People do not do that.  She might serve her a small portion, but she wouldn’t refuse to serve her at all.


“Jamie,” I muttered urgently under my breath. “This food isn’t meant for me. Jared and the others weren’t risking their lives so that I could have eggs for breakfast. Bread is fine.”

“Don’t be stupid, Wanda,” Jamie said. “You live here now, just like the rest of us. Nobody minds it when you wash their clothes or bake their bread. Besides, these eggs aren’t going to last much longer. If you don’t eat them, they’ll get thrown out.”

I felt all the eyes in the room boring into my back.

“That might be preferable to some,” I said even more quietly. No one but Jamie could possibly hear.

“Forget that,” Jamie growled. He hopped over the counter and filled another bowl with eggs, which he then shoved at me. “You’re going to eat every bite,” he told me resolutely.

Now Jamie is back to talking like an adult.  Not sure if that’s preferable or the fact that he’s just another character that is whatever he needs to be to be contextually plot convenient bugs me more than him acting like a 5 year old.  Either way he makes a good point.  But, again, I don’t understand why they were all perfectly fine with her eating yesterday and now all of a sudden she’s the devil again.  Human beings genuinely do not work this way.  We are not that fucking evil goddammit.

Well, okay, yes, *I* am, but not *everyone* is.

Well, okay, yes, I am, but not everyone is.

She refuses to eat what he serves her, which makes her kind of a rude bitch in my books, but we already knew she was so that should surprise no one.  Jamie tells her that if she won’t eat, he won’t either, and they both sit there in stubborn obstinacy like a pair of children.  Eventually Wanderer caves because Jamie is so hungry.  Because she wants to remind you that she is a martyr and everything she does is for others because how else would we know she’s the bestest person eversies.  I hate this book and these characters.

She practically orgasms over the eggs.  Not exaggerating, she talks about how she has to stifle a moan.  I think Meyer has some serious issues with food.  They’re cold, ‘rubbery’ scrambled eggs, no matter how boring the food you’ve been eating lately is, they would not be ‘moaning with pleasure’ levels of delicious.  That’s just creepy.

People were looking at me, a few here and there, but they weren’t the only ones talking in serious whispers, and the others paid me no mind at all. Besides, none of them seemed angry or guilty or tense or any of the other emotions I was expecting.

No, they were sad. Despair was etched on every face in the room.

So why did you describe them as staring at you all judgmental when you wanted the food?  If they aren’t paying you any mind at all, or at least aren’t actively annoyed by your presence, they shouldn’t have cared about you eating the eggs.  I think that was more of Wanderer seeing what she expects to see instead of what’s actually happening around her.  That could be good use of the first person narrative except it’s never presented that she may be an unreliable narrator, you’re supposed to trust that she’s telling you what’s actually happening.

Whatever.  Oooo despair.  I wonder if they all think that Doc is going to try and pull out the brain slug, and that since that’s gone badly in the past they figure she’ll be dead tomorrow.  Though that would make me happy so I can’t necessarily use that to excuse them being sad.

Wanderer notices Sharon crying softly into her eggs and she panics.  She asks if Doc is okay, he is.  Aunt Maggie?  She’s fine.  Walter?  Still alive.  I’m back to the whole ‘they all think Doc is going to remove the brain slug’ theorem.  Sharon might not like Wanderer, but it would also mean the death of her cousin Melanie, so it would explain why she’s sad at least.

It’s only after this though that Wanderer notices that Jamie is just as sad.  Quick on the draw, that one.

Waaaait for it

Waaaait for it

Ian shows up filthy and Wanderer describes everything from where the dust fell, the colour, and where he’s sweating from.  I am going to get surgery to never sweat again if it attracts women like this.  Anyway, he pulls her into a dark tunnel so no one can see them right as Jared and Kyle walk by talking about Doc trying to get the brain slugs out of people unsuccessfully.  They don’t actually say that, it’s just painfully obvious that’s what they’re talking about.

Jared says they should just give up, and that Doc is just wearing himself out and wasting time, but Kyle says it’ll all be worth it if they succeed.  After they’re out of earshot Jamie gets really upset that Jared ‘promised’ and Ian says that Jared may have, but Kyle didn’t.  Because that totally will get Jared off the hook with Jamie right?  That’s how people work?

Ian tells her to ignore the dishes.  She wants to ask why he’s so dirty but decides not to because he probably won’t answer.  Since I don’t care, I support this decision.  Ian makes an ‘angry noise’ when he sees her face.

He raised his hand as if to lift my chin, but I flinched and he dropped it.

“That makes me so sick,” he said, and his voice truly did sound as if he were nauseated. “And worse, knowing that if I hadn’t stayed behind, I might have been the one to do it.…”

Yup, real people talk like this.  Definitely.

He grinned again. “I feel silly standing here with my arms empty while you lug these around. Chalk it up to gallantry. C’mon–let’s go relax somewhere out of the way until the coast is clear.”

His words troubled me, and I followed him in silence. Why should gallantry apply to me?


They lug the dishes to the cornfield, for… reasons, and Ian lays in the dirt.  Wanderer asks if they should be working and he tells her she’s the only one that never takes a day off, so she should just relax.

“It gives me something to do,” I mumbled.

“Everyone is taking a break today, so you might as well.”

They’re in a cave in the desert.  Everyone taking a day off could lead to them starving to death when the crops fail.  But sure, why the fuck not.

“I know you’re not a liar. I know that now,” he said quietly. “I’ll believe you, whatever your answer is.”

I waited again while he continued to stare at the dirt on his skin.

“I didn’t buy Jeb’s story before, but he and Doc are pretty convinced.… Wanda?” he asked, looking up at me. “Is she still in there with you? The girl whose body you wear?”

Oh my god I think I might have just had a rage induced heart attack.  Deep breaths.

Time Lapse

I’m okay.  I think.  ‘The girl whose body you wear’.  SHE’S NOT A FUCKING SHIRT YOU DICKHEAD!  Also, don’t make me think of Silence of the Lambs in this book.  I really don’t need to associate Wanderer with the image of Buffalo Bill wearing the woman suit made out of his victims.  It will most definitely not make this book easier to read.  I suppose I could think of her as Edgar from Men in Black.  He was a bug that wore the skin of a human…


“It’s… frustrating, for us both. At first I would have given anything to have her disappear the way she should have. But now I… I’ve gotten used to her.” I smiled wryly. “Sometimes it’s nice to have the company. It’s harder for her. She’s like a prisoner in many ways. Locked away in my head. She prefers that captivity to disappearing, though.”

Are we supposed to think Wanderer is nice for liking her now?  Or feel bad for her?  Because in this description Wanderer sounds like a massive bitch for being more concerned over whether or not Melanie is a nuisance than the fact that she just described Melanie as being trapped like a prisoner.  She doesn’t really seem to be showing her much sympathy at all in fact. It kind of sounds like she thinks Melanie should be grateful.  That’s how it comes off to me at least.

“I didn’t know there was a choice.”

“There wasn’t in the beginning. It wasn’t until your kind discovered what was happening that any resistance started. That seems to be the key–knowing what’s going to happen. The humans who were taken by surprise didn’t fight back.”

REALLY?!  The ones that were caught off guard and didn’t know what they were in for didn’t panic and fight like someone suddenly being shoved head first into a pond?!  Because most of the time when people are surprised, that’s when they’re most likely to take your head off!  When people aren’t caught off guard, they have time to stop and think, they might fight more efficiently, but they’re also more likely to hesitate and over think things.  When surprised they just fight.  Period (those prone to at all anyway).  They come out swinging until the adrenaline wears off, which can actually take quite a while.

“So if I were caught?”

I appraised his fierce expression–the fire in his brilliant eyes.

“I doubt you would disappear. Things have changed, though. When they catch full-grown humans now, they don’t offer them as hosts. Too many problems.” I half smiled again. “Problems like me. Going soft, getting sympathetic to my host, losing my way…”

You do realize she just smiled after telling him that they now kill the adults right?  She just smiled after discussing that her people murder their captives.


“They’d still do an insertion, I think. Trying to get information. Probably they’d put a Seeker in you.”

He shuddered.

“But they wouldn’t keep you as a host. Whether they found the information or not, you would be… discarded.” The word was hard to say. The idea sickened me.

It didn’t seem to bug you a minute ago!

Odd–it was usually the human things that made me sick. But I’d never looked at the situation from the body’s perspective before; no other planet had forced me to.

Killing the walking flowers bugs you but only after being a human being does murdering them bother you?!  You have to see it from our perspective to think murdering us is wrong?!  Murdering YOU is monstrous!  But murdering humans, that’s fiiiiiiiiine!  FUCK YOU WITH A PITCH FORK.

This is actually a trident but it'll do

This is actually a trident but it’ll do

A body that didn’t function right was quickly and painlessly disposed of because it was as useless as a car that could not run.

OKAY.  Let’s discuss this shall we?  They started infesting other worlds because of the harpies.  The ‘jerk’ species that came to their planet and started picking on them.  They felt BAD for the other planets the harpies had been to and how that species had treated the inhabitants.  They know the species they’re dealing with are intelligent.  They know they have emotions.  They know many of them don’t want to be infested.  They care about the slaughter of the walking flowers for food.  But they don’t stop eating meat, they don’t think of their hosts as living things with emotions, and they don’t think it’s a morally wrong thing to do to just murder the shit out of them. Despite how horrible and unthinkable it is that the seekers carry around weapons to murder the shit out of them.

Does that make sense to anyone?  If you think you can make that seem like a logical thought process, go right ahead and try and explain it to me in the comments.  I would very much appreciate the insight, ‘cuz I don’t fucking get it.

I don’t expect to ever understand the ‘logic’ of this species, so let’s move on.  She gets all emo and says that looking into his eyes she sees the fault in their species logic and aww isn’t that fucking romantic.  Damn I hate this book.  Anyway, she laments her abandonment of the species after he asks what they would do to her and she says they’d try and save her from the bad influences though she doesn’t deserve it because she’s a traitor.  He tells her she’s just an expatriate, not a traitor.  I don’t care either way.  She just told him that they murder the shit out of people and he’s trying to make her feel better for not wanting to do the same.

After they stop talking (he doesn’t ask many questions, which I’m grateful for since I didn’t want to read them, but doesn’t seem terribly realistic) he takes her to the bathing room to wash the dishes so he can know she’s safe while he cleans up.  I can’t decide whether or not I think the fact that he took her with him to have a bath is creepy or considerate since it’s not like she can see him.  I’ll go with considerate because I don’t hate Ian yet.  I know it’s coming, but until it does I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt.

He tells her that he’ll have Doc look at her face after he sobers up, so apparently whatever Doc was doing was REALLY not going well, and he’s a drunk.  Yay, that’s exactly who you want as your doctor!  Faaaantastic.  Also, I guess that’s what Sharon was upset about earlier.  But that kind of makes Jamie a liar since Doc clearly isn’t okay if he’s so fucked up over what he’s doing that he’s drinking himself stupid.


After they clean up they go back to the kitchen and the place has filled up for lunch.  Jamie is sitting impatiently with Wanderer’s food ready for her, refusing again to eat anything until she does.  Because we really needed to go through that again.  They eat in silence since everyone is too wrapped up in how delicious bologna sandwiches are apparently.  When they finish Ian tells Jamie to go to school, but he apparently looks like he’s falling asleep so Jamie wants to stay behind to watch Wanderer since Ian doesn’t look capable.

“Go to school,” I told him quickly. I wanted Jamie a safe distance from me today.

“I’ll see you later, okay? Don’t worry about… about anything.”

“Sure.” A one-word lie wasn’t quite so obvious. Or maybe I was just being sarcastic again.

Just going to remind you of something that was said only a few pages ago:

“I know you’re not a liar. I know that now,” he said quietly

that's all I have to say about thatLet’s continue.

Wanderer tries to get Ian to go rest, and he says he’ll rest where she slept the night before, so he can keep protecting her and get some sleep at the same time.

“You can’t watch me every second.”

“Wanna bet?”

And as with earlier I can’t decide whether I find this thoughtful or creepy.  It could go either way.

“Ian, what’s the point of this? Won’t it hurt Jamie more, the longer I’m alive? In the end, wouldn’t it be better for him if –”

“Don’t think like that, Wanda. We’re not animals. Your death is not an inevitability.”

“I don’t think you’re an animal,” I said quietly.

Bullshit you don’t you judgmental racist!  You basically said earlier in this very chapter that you have more sympathy for the fucking plants than humans!


Jared shows up and Ian goes out to stop him from getting to Wanderer and the dumbest thing in the entire book so far happens.  And that’s saying a lot.

“I know it’s with you,” Jared answered. He raised his voice, so that anyone between here and the main plaza would hear. “Come out, come out, wherever you are,” he called, his voice hard and mocking.


My brain cannot even form the words necessary to describe the levels of dumb this is.

That’s the last line of the chapter and I am so glad it’s over.  Not counting the chapter where she describes this aliens, this was the hardest read yet.

Hopefully I survive the next chapter.  Check out The Llama’s review!

Q&A: Bad Vacations

“What was the worst vacation you ever took?”

Another week another uninteresting answer!  I swear this book does get into some nitty gritty things later on but we’re probably only on about page 3 or so…

Anyway, my answer is that I don’t recall ever having a bad vacation!  All of my vacations go shockingly well.  Until I get home and suffer the financial or emotional set backs of returning from a vacation but that’s not the vacations fault that’s mine for either having poor fiscal planning or just not preparing myself from returning to work/life from the BEST PLACES IN THE GODDAMN WORLD.  Sorry, that was my last vacation, you may remember it from the picture of the hot chick in the bikini taking a tiger cub for a walk.  That was actually taken at the compound I visited.  It really is the best place on Earth.

Any excuse to post this again is a good excuse.

Any excuse to post this again is a good excuse.

So, yeah, I have no idea what to answer.  I’ve probably had bad vacations or vacations I didn’t enjoy when I was young but I don’t really remember much of anything prior to the age of 10.  I remember the look and feel of friends houses, I remember getting frogs eggs from a pond and chasing salamanders, running around in the woods, skating on the lake…  Vague details.  Can’t tell you how old I was or whether they happened on summer vacation or just after school.  I don’t think I ever got sick on a vacation, and I don’t think anything exceptionally bad ever happened on one.  When we went to Hawaii when I was, 5 I think, I got the worst sunburn I have ever had before or since, but I didn’t really feel the effects of that until I got home so it didn’t really affect the vacation.

I have bad fall out from vacations.  I use up all of my luck on the vacations themselves.  The skies part and stop the rain, the last seats are still available and don’t suck for that show I wanted to see, there happens to be an event going on RIGHT NOW that I can get in!  That kind of thing.  And then when I get home shit goes to hell for 2 weeks.  So I don’t have bad vacations, so I can’t really answer this question!

Actions Speak Louder Than Words

I should be working on my Nano novel, as I’m incredibly far behind, but because of the terrible writing in The Host I decided to show a scene where, without knowing anything about the characters, without them telling you how they feel, you can get the emotion of the scene.

 The office was lit with only a desk lamp as the man slumped over the paperwork in front of him.  He rubbed his eyes and looked at the piles of notes in front of him, frowning.  He sighed and continued to pour through the charts and diagrams, writing in the margins.

Footsteps fell lightly on the ground behind him, and a cup of coffee appeared beside him. A pair of arms wrapped around his tense shoulders and he relaxed into the embrace.  He set down his pen and leaned back to rest his head against the woman’s shoulder, a small smile spreading across his face.

105 words.  You know he’s working too hard, she’s probably his wife or girlfriend, and they’ve been around each other for a while and are comfortable with each other.  You know that they love each other, and understand each other.  I didn’t need to have them describing how they feel or what they’re going through, I didn’t have to have them describe the colour of the desk or what shirt he was wearing.  I didn’t have to tell you anything at all about what anything looked like or even describe any emotions.  The story told itself.

I by no means think I’m a great author, I don’t even think I couldn’t improve on that little short there.  But I sure as hell think Stephanie Meyer is a bad author who doesn’t know how to tell a story without the main character telling you what you’re supposed to think is going on.

Are some things hard to write this way?  Obviously!  You can’t get rid of exposition entirely unless you’re writing a very stylized piece or something very short.  Well, I suppose you could, but it would take an incredibly skilled author to pull it off well.  But a lot of the emotion driven scenes should be written with actions speaking for themselves, and The Host just isn’t doing that at all.  Every single page is unnecessary descriptors telling you what to think and how to feel.  Prompts for people who aren’t giving the story enough thought to think and feel about it for themselves.

Anyway that’s my little additional rant for the day.

The Host Review: Undecided (Ch 27)

I really hate these chapter titles.  I don’t know why they bother me so much but they really do…

Apparently the fact that she went back to her cave bubble was supposed to be a cliff hanger.  Whoops.  But that also means this is yet another chapter that picks up 2 seconds after where the last one left off.  It also comes off as an act of self-flagellation for Wanderer and I was already sick of her selfish martyrdom.  So, yaaaaaay.

To save anyone from looking up what flagellation means as I just realized that’s not a terribly common word, it’s an act of self-punishment generally involving whips.  So best you don’t do a google image search on that one.  I think it’s appropriate though as she spent the end of the last chapter being emo and blaming herself for tearing apart their little community and thusly sent herself to the one place in the caves that it causes her physical pain to be in.  She’s punishing herself for her perceived misdeeds.  It’s unhealthy behaviour generally symptomatic of serious conditions such as extreme depression, body dysmorphia, suicidal tendencies, etc.

It seemed to me that while I lived and Jared was in the caves, this must be where I belonged.

OH WAIT, I’m sorry!  She’s not punishing herself for tearing the community apart, she’s doing this because Jared doesn’t love her!  I hope she rots in that little tunnel.

Rot in hell

She gets to the hole and it’s filled with the supplies the guys had trekked out for over a MONTH to get.  That we already knew were there because it was stated while she was in the cave bubble that that was where the supplies went.  But I’m still stuck on the ‘gone for 4-6 weeks’ thing.  Why the fuck did it take them that long to get a cramped hole’s worth of cereal?  She spends a whole page describing the ‘cardboard rectangles that made a lot of noise when I held them’.  It’s cereal you dumb ass.  We don’t give a shit.

Stymied, I explored with my hands, moving back out into the hall. I found I could go no deeper down the passageway; it was entirely filled with the mysterious cardboard squares.

Does she not remember why they left?  Because this is many, many paragraphs after the discovery of the first box and she’s still ‘stymied’.  Can’t put two and two together miss ‘I’m thousands of years old’?

A couple paragraphs later she finally catches on!

Once I realized that I was touching a bag of rice, I understood. I was in the right place after all. Hadn’t Jeb said they used this place for storage? And hadn’t Jared just returned from a long raid? Now everything the raiders had stolen in the weeks they’d been gone was dumped in this out-of-the-way place until it could be used.

Do you think I'm smart

Well this is one of the most boring chapters in a while… more than half way through it already and there is absolutely nothing worth talking about.  Wanderer and Melanie just sit there debating the same thing over and over again.  And I do mean that incredibly literally.  They talk about whether dying now or later is better for Jamie, then they talk about if they could leave, then they go back to whether dying now or later is better for Jamie, then they talk about why Wanderer still refuses to fight, then they talk about whether dying now or later is better for Jamie.  I wish I was exaggerating.  That goes on for pages.

“Wanda?” someone whispered quietly. “Wanda? Are you here? It’s me.” His voice broke, and I knew him.

“Jamie!” I rasped. “What are you doing? I told you I needed to be alone.”

Relief was plain in his voice, which he now raised from the whisper. “Everybody is looking for you. Well, you know, Trudy and Lily and Wes–that everybody.


This is going to be a theme this chapter.

This is going to be a theme this chapter.

Why the hell didn’t they just stop her from leaving?!  Did they have to discuss it before they did?!  They thought it was important enough to find her but not important to stop her from potentially walking right into Jared or Kyle’s murderous arms?!  Everyone in this book has the IQ of a small child.

“You can’t sleep here.”

“I have before.”

I felt his head shake in my hand.

“I’ll go get mats and pillows, at least.”

“I don’t need more than one.”

“I’m not staying with Jared while he’s being such a jerk.”

There is no way in hell Jamie is 14. Why did Meyer make him a teenager when she wasn’t going to make him act like a goddamn teenager?  This is the way a 6 year old behaves.  Yes, a teen would decide not to share a room with someone they hate, but he might as well have called Jared a butt head for all the maturity present in that conversation.

After more of Jamie acting like an elementary school child, Jared shows up.  He yells at Jamie to get away from Wanderer, but he doesn’t.  Jared grabs Jamie by the shirt and yanks him away, Wanderer gets in between them to defend Jamie from a non-existent threat because Jared was not hurting him, at all.  Jared tosses Wanderer into the supplies (after she stops to think about the contour of his chest and the way he smells, because why not add creepy to her list of terrible personality traits?) and Jamie calls him a coward for attacking someone who isn’t going to hurt him.  And I’m so much more bored by this scene than is even the slightest bit reasonable.


Jamie punches Jared in the face for something Jared didn’t actually do.  What the hell is wrong with these characters?!  Jamie had gone to Wanderer’s aid, Jared grabbed him to get him away from Wanderer again, and because of the position they were in, moving Jamie caused stuff to fall on Wanderer.  Jamie told Jared to stop hurting her and then proceeded to break his nose.  What the goddamn hell.

And after Jared does not go back after Wanderer, does not at all retaliate physically or verbally, Jamie’s expression ‘shifts’ to one of deep betrayal (though how the fuck does Wanderer know that?  The only source of light is a small flash light that Jared is holding.  Is he flashing it right in Jamie’s face?  Because if so that’s kind of a dick move there dude).  I don’t understand what happened here.  Jared didn’t drop those boxes on her!  He didn’t even intentionally hurt her when he shoved her!  She shoved herself against his chest and he pushed her away!  That’s IT!  And Jamie actually tells him that he’s ‘not the man he thought he was’.  Over THAT.  This is what should have happened in the KITCHEN! Not here!  Not in this context.  In the kitchen Jared was literally stomping towards Wanderer to kill her!  Here he didn’t even come here looking for her he came looking for Jamie!

That reminds me.  Why is there only one gun in this entire compound?  Jamie said earlier that Jeb got ‘the’ gun.  Not ‘a’ gun.  No one else seems to have a gun.  That means they have no weapons when they go out on raids to get supplies…

Aaaand then Jamie walks away.  What?  He was there to protect Wanderer and he got so angry in her defense that he punched his father figure in the face and now he’s just going to walk away leaving her undefended from the person he was trying to protect her from?!  NO ONE IN THIS BOOK MAKES SENSE.

Because you're a dumbass

Jared leaves to chase after Jamie and shouts apologies as he goes and Wanderer gets emo again.  The chapter ends.  Melanie didn’t speak up once while Jamie and Jared were around.  Other than that I have surprisingly little to say about this chapter.  Which sucks for me because it’s the chapter I’ve had the most time to write about!  Oh well.  I’m sure the next one will get my blood boiling again.

This chapter isn’t short by the way.  Not by any means.  It’s barely shorter than the chapter before.  They just didn’t do ANYTHING.  They whined, and whined some more, and then characters were consistently inconsistent again, and then there was some more whining.  The dialogue was awful, the descriptions went on forever (I counted.  She spent 6 paragraphs describing the cereal boxes she couldn’t see) the whole chapter was just a bunch of pointless filler that I have nothing to say about that I haven’t said a hundred times already.

Chapter 27 and I still don’t know what story this book is trying to tell.  We’re half way through it and I can’t really call it a romance.  There’s not nearly enough actual science to call it science fiction.  It could be called fantasy drama, but that brings about images of knights and castles and would put it in a comparable drama to A Song of Ice and Fire and that’s just not right.  General drama implies intrigue and, you know, plot.  If she tosses in a sex scene I guess I could call it the most boring erotic fiction ever written.  It’s not a thriller because so far the most real threat has been stopped in the same chapter in which they appear.

This book is so muddled and aimless.  I don’t see its purpose.  I don’t see what they could do that would make this book worth reading past the next chapter or two since that should be about how long it takes Jared to stop wanting to kill her and beyond that we can do a time jump epilogue to how life in their stupid little cave system went on boringly ever after!  Oh but wait we still have to clear up Seeker right?  Meyer can do that by having them go out for supplies stumble on her and take her out.  But I know that won’t happen.  But how can that take 33 more chapters?!  HOW MANY MORE TIMES CAN WE LISTEN TO HER DESCRIBE THINGS?!

Even if there was an entire chapter dedicated to the plot events surrounding all the characters who have actually spoken at this point it still wouldn’t be 33 more chapters!

Why do people like this book?  I have read the reviews on good reads.  People don’t just like this book, they love this book.  They think it’s amazing.  And WELL WRITTEN.

I weep for humanity

Till next time.  Check out The Llama’s take on this chapter as well.

The Host Review: Returned (Ch 26)

So I guess I’ll commend Meyer for finally going a few chapters in a row without it being the same scene split in two and just given a different chapter title.  This is yet another chapter that is not a 2 second gap from the end of the last chapter.  Small victories.


This chapter instead picks up with Wanderer whining about how she has to interact with people.  Make that miniscule victories.

We always convened in the kitchen; I liked to help with the baking while I spoke. It gave me an excuse to pause before answering a difficult question, and somewhere to look when I didn’t want to meet anyone’s eyes. In my head, it seemed fitting; my words were sometimes upsetting, but my actions were always for their good.

Because you’re a martyr and we should all see how wonderful and caring you are and feel for the sacrifices you’ve had to make.

I didn’t want to admit that Jamie was right. Obviously, people didn’t like me. They couldn’t; I wasn’t one of them.

Yup, absolutely impossible for humans to like anything other than a member of their own species.  The term ‘man’s best friend’ clearly is just referring to the importance of best friends, not the loyalty and companionship of a loving dog we bring into our families.  There are certainly no pictures littering the internet of human beings willingly risking their lives to save cats, I mean, the ones you’ve seen those people are going to use those cats for food later right?  And that parrot with the intellect of a school aged child that died while the whole internet mourned its passing?  Just an act.  People are totally incapable of even liking another species!  The great Wanderer has said it so it must be true!

I saw it on the internet so it must be real GIF

Jeb liked me, but Jeb was crazy.

I am really sick of her saying that the only reason Jeb likes her is either because he’s crazy or he’s plotting to kill her.  She is a massively judgemental bitch who doesn’t deserve to be liked by Jeb or Jamie (she says just before this that Jamie only likes her because of irrational bonds to Melanie’s body, which does actually make sense but it’s still pretty horrible for her to assume that he’s incapable of making up his own mind after the initial shock wears off.)

“Could you hand me the soap, please, Wanda?” Trudy asked from my left.

An electric current ran through my body at the sound of my name spoken by a female voice.

I don’t get it.  Is that supposed to mean something?  Is that a bad thing?  Or is she saying it’s weird that a woman would refer to her by name?  Does she mean it was jarring because she didn’t expect it?  I’ll go with that assumption.  I guess I’ll give her that since it would have been the first time.

Heath, usually silent, letting Trudy and Geoffrey talk for him, was outspoken during these evenings.

How does she know these aren’t just Trudy and Geoffrey asking the questions if Heath is silent?  I have no recollection of who any of these people are so I have no idea what their relationship is or why Heath would have them talk for him.  Or how Wanderer would know that’s what he’s doing.  It’s rather presumptuous on her part isn’t it?

I suspect this is Meyers attempt at giving character to the background characters and making the world seem more fleshed out, but I don’t really see the importance.  We know there’s a lot of people there.  If you want to try and give people character say what kinds of questions they asked, or how they looked incredibly nervous to ask.  If you want to make a character too afraid to speak up say ‘Heath would grab Trudy’s shirt and whisper something in her ear excitedly, then she would jump in with a question.’ Because then we know that he’s engaged, but that he’s not asking the questions himself, through means other than just ‘Wanderer said so.’

I found this when searching for 'It's true because I said so' gifs and it was too awesome not to put in.  I don't care that it's irrelevant.

I found this when searching for ‘It’s true because I said so’ gifs and it was too awesome not to put in. I don’t care that it’s irrelevant.

She does say what one person was specifically interested in, the mechanics of things like ships and cryotanks and we’re thankfully spared the details.  Another person asked how their society functions without money and she says it’s the same as the caves. Everyone does their work and everyone reaps the benefits.  A communist utopia.

Communism works on paper, when you don’t factor in, you know, the people.  But remember, the parasites feel all the same emotions we do.  They’re hooked into our brains. They may have their own base instincts of kindness and empathy (though so far I have seen none of those things from Wanderer OR her fellow aliens.  Remember when she was having a panic attack in the middle of the street and everyone just ignored her?  Or when her class got all judgmental at her regarding the fire eater planet?) but they still have our desires for pretty things, and comfort, they still would feel jealousy and ambition.  They would still feel all the things that makes communism more difficult in practice because not everyone wants the same things.  Not everyone cares about the same things.

I would think this would be even more difficult for the souls since they’re not used to handling these emotions.  We grow up in a society designed to temper our more basic urges, they come into a fully formed body, even the body of a child would still have had time to adjust to the onslaught of emotion that their new parasites wouldn’t have.  It’s one thing to have the memories of the experiences it’s something else entirely to experience them first hand when you have no real context for how to deal with it.  Especially if the first settlers came from the apparently emotionally void spiders.

Maybe the spiders just kept their emotions in one of the brains you weren't infecting, ever consider that Wanderer?

Maybe the spiders just kept their emotions in one of the brains you weren’t infecting, ever consider that Wanderer?

In practice these parasites would be completely overwhelmed by our emotions and I would suspect the first few settlers, especially since from the sounds of it they infested adults which they’ve stated in this book is a lot harder, would have gone insane.  Become gluttons for the pleasures of this planet.  Or is self-control one of their base instincts as well?  They say that they’ve never experienced the degree of lust we exhibit either.  So maybe the whole parasite population would be riddled with venereal diseases and popping out babies all over the place too.  Orgies in the streets!

Everyone was stuck here, as good as planted. My stories were something new, something to think about besides the usual–the same endlessly repeated sweaty chores, the same thirty-five faces, the same memories of other faces that brought the same grief with them, the same fear and the same despair that had long been familiar companions. And so the kitchen was always full for my casual lessons.

So, she understands the depression linked to their current existence.  The pain associated with their lost loved ones.  But she doesn’t understand why they fight back against the aliens?  She can’t recognize that their displayed hostility is a reaction, not a base state?  The fact that she can’t recognize that means she really doesn’t understand.  She just thinks she does.

Aaaand now they start telling us about the dragonfly dolphins.  Fuck.


“They look more like huge dragonflies than fish, right, Wanda?” Jamie almost always asked for corroboration, though he never waited for my answer. “They’re all leathery, though, with three, four, or five sets of wings, depending on how old they are, right? So they kind of fly through the water–it’s lighter than water here, less dense. They have five, seven, or nine legs, depending on which gender they are, right, Wanda? They have three different genders. They have really long hands with tough, strong fingers that can build all kinds of things. They make cities under the water out of hard plants that grow there, kind of like trees but not really. They aren’t as far along as we are, right, Wanda? Because they’ve never made a spaceship or, like, telephones for communication. Humans were more advanced.”

Point the first.  Dolphins aren’t fish, they’re mammals.  You can tell the difference between a sea faring mammal and a fish by multiple distinctions.  They require air to breath instead of having gills, they have hair (though this is obviously difficult to tell unless you’re up close and personal) and they have tails that move up and down instead of side to side.  There are lots more distinctions than that, but those are the obvious ones you can see without cutting them open or watching them give birth.

Second problem.  So far they sound more dragony than the dragons, which I’ll remind you are made of jelly.  Why the fuck are they called dolphins if they have absolutely no resemblance to them whatsoever?  Because they live in water?  There are lots of things that live in water.  Flying fish have wings.  There are flying squid that have ‘wings’ and multiple limbs.

Flying squid

Third problem.  Water is water.  If it’s actually water it’s the same density as it is on Earth.  If it’s another chemical compound in liquid form it is not water.  It’s just a liquid.  This goes back to one of my most common problems with this book, words have meanings.

I will actually say that a non-binary gender system isn’t outside the realm of possibility.  Gendered reproduction came about as a means to increase rates of survival by transmitting the genes of multiple individuals, rather than just reproducing the genes of one, to the next generation. This gives higher odds for survival because they can gain the best survival techniques from each parent and increase the odds of positive mutations occurring allowing for further adaptation.  It also is what brought about social structure as a means to facilitate mating, which allowed for the transmission of information from one generation to another to gain even greater survival odds. So adding a third gene donour to the equation would simply give the spawn more potential DNA to incorporate and more potential survival mechanisms. …I hope that was clearer than mud.

Fourth issue.  Why do they have legs?  If they ‘fly’ through the water, why do they need legs?  All sea creatures on Earth that have functional legs also have an exoskeleton which was not mentioned in the description.  Some sea creatures like cephalopods (the aforementioned flying squid for example) have arms.  Those are for grabbing and propulsion.  There are some fish that have fins that function similar to arms and legs for digging tunnels.  Legs are used for walking.  Or kicking.  What purpose do these multiple legs serve for these leathery freaks of nature?  There are a few sea creatures that have nubby little limbs you could refer to as legs but their only purpose is grabbing on during sex so their partner can’t escape, but would the parasites infect a species that requires rape for procreation?

I must say the image I get in my mind of these creatures is really quite hideous.  I’m picturing the base body of a manatee (he said they were leathery, you don’t get a much more leathery sea creature than a manatee) with rows and rows of dragonfly wings sprouting out of its back, an odd number of spindly insect legs sticking out its underside like a crab that had a limb yanked off, then these big muscly human-like arms and hands sticking out in front.

Someone with better photoshop skills than I needs to make that.


Well I’ve spent enough time talking about the ‘dolphins’.  There’s a noise somewhere and Jamie runs off.  Wanderer is startled, but Ian tells her he’ll be back so she should just keep talking.

Ian was sitting on the counter beside the oven–a hot seat that I wouldn’t have chosen–which made him close enough to reach out and touch my wrist. My arm flinched away from the unexpected contact, but I stayed where I was.

So, Ian is clearly flirting with her, and she is clearly not liking it.  Is he a love interest?  Or is this story going to get really dark?  This could potentially get very interesting in a real hurry.  Not that I think it will, but the set-up is certainly there.

Ian is very clearly trying to distract her from the fact that Jared and Kyle are back and her life is about to suck again.  But Wanderer doesn’t figure that out because she’s dumb as a post and never bothered to ask around when they would be back so she could be prepared for it when it happened and no one bothered to tell her so she could prepare for it when it happened because everyone else hates her as much as I do.  At least that’s the explanation I’m going with.

She starts talking about how the social structure of the dolphins work and I’m curious.  She never WAS one of them, and they weren’t inhabited until into her tenure as a human, so how does she know so much detail about their lives?  What they look like, how they function, how their family structures work… She knows way too much about them.


But whatever, she gets interrupted by a filthy Jared being escorted by Jeb and Jamie into the kitchen.

From the dirty figure came Jared’s voice–flat, perfectly devoid of any inflection. “What is the meaning of this, Jeb?”

‘What’s the meaning of this’?  REALLY?!  How cliché can you get?  Might as well have him wearing a monocle that pops off his face when he says it.

And OF COURSE Melanie finally speaks again for the first time in multiple chapters.  Because only Jared gives her the strength.  Not her little surrogate son, just her man.  Because no woman is complete without her man.

Told you

“Wanda is teaching us all about the universe,” Jamie babbled eagerly, somehow not catching on to Jared’s fury–he was too excited to pay attention, maybe.

“Wanda?” Jared repeated in a low voice that was almost a snarl.

I feel the same way Jared.  Hence why I still call her Wanderer.

Anyway, Kyle flips out and starts marching towards her, but instead of paying attention to the immediate threat heading her way she keeps her eyes on Jared because she has the survival instincts of a rock.

Melanie’s love flowed through me like a lake bursting through a dam, distracting me even more from the enraged barbarian closing the distance quickly.

Again, where the hell was all this emotion and energy from Melanie when Jamie was around?  ONLY for Jared does she seem to have the strength to overwhelm Wanderer.

Ian slid into my view, moving to place himself in front of me. I strained my neck to the side to keep my view of Jared clear.



Kyle’s hand came back up, and a light shone out of it. He pointed it at Ian’s face, held it there for a moment. Ian didn’t flinch from the light.

“So, what, then?” Kyle demanded, putting the flashlight back in his pocket. “You’re not a parasite. How did it get to you?”

“Calm down, and we’ll tell you all about it.”


‘Tell me what happened!’ ‘Okay, I’ll tell you.’ ‘No!’  At least Wanderer isn’t the only one acting like a petulant child.

Actually the ‘no’ came from Jared.  He’s decided to shoot Melanie in the face.  Oh if only the book was only another chapter longer I could believe this was really how it ended…

Jeb says he doesn’t have the gun, so Jared intends to do it with his own two hands.  Ian tries to get him to calm down, but Jeb clears his throat and clarifies that the rule he made was that whoever the body belonged to would get to make the decision.  And since he believes Melanie is still alive, it’s still her body and thus, her decision.



OH WAIT.  Sorry, you didn’t think something in this book would be that good a message do you?  Nope, the decision isn’t Melanie’s or Jared’s, it’s Jamie’s!  Because Jamie will give the answer Jeb decided he wants (he actually does say that later in the chapter, I’m not just assuming).  Not because Jamie is her closest living blood relative and should have been brought into the decision making process right from the beginning, or should have been informed at any point that he may have to make an unpleasant call.  Not because Jamie genuinely has the closest bond with both Melanie and Wanderer.  This is just Jeb finding a loop hole in his own plan.

Also; this happens.

“Seems to me like there’s someone here with a claim just as strong as yours. Mebbe stronger.”

‘Mebbe’.  Yup, that’s a word written in a real book.

All the joy had drained from Jamie’s face, leaving it pale and horrorstruck.

“You can’t, Jared,” he choked. “You wouldn’t. Wanda’s good. She’s my friend! And Mel! What about Mel? You can’t kill Mel! Please! You have to –” He broke off, his expression agonized.

I said in an earlier chapter, before we actually met Jamie, that at 14, Jamie should be mature enough to at least be brought in on the decision but this pretty clearly indicates that I was wrong.  That’s the kind of thing I would expect from a 5 or 6 year old, not a teenager.  Especially not one that’s had to spend his life the way that Jamie has.  YES this would be hard on him.  YES he would be incredibly upset.  But, 1, we already know he kind of saw this coming since he agreed they shouldn’t tell Jared that she’d been sleeping in his bed, and 2, he’s seen what they do.  He knows the pain he felt when he lost Melanie.  The pain he felt at seeing her glowing eyes.

Painful memory

He knows why this is happening.  He has had to watch this happen to his parents, to his friends, the random people on the street.  He’s had to grow up living in caves and hiding from humanity because of these creatures and has grown up fearing them.  He has grown close to this one but he shouldn’t be talking like this.  He should be able to be firmer than this.  He should have chased after Jared when he knew what was happening, yelled out when Jared asked for the gun.  Spoke up when Jeb implied he had a say!

I closed my eyes again, trying to block the picture of the suffering boy from my mind. It was already almost impossible not to go to him. I locked my muscles in place, promising myself that it wouldn’t help him if I moved now.

Note that she’s steeling herself against her own urges to go to him, not Melanie’s.

And of course she makes an Et tu, Brutus? Reference in regards to the look Jared gives Jeb.  And alludes to Judas.  Because no one in more recent history has ever been betrayed, yes?

The unbearable tension lasted through another long minute, and then Jared shook Jamie’s fingers off his arm.

“Kyle,” Jared barked, turning and stalking out of the room.

Kyle gave his brother a parting grimace and followed.


Wait, what?  Why?  Why is Kyle following Jared’s orders here? He doesn’t want his own answers from his brother?  Wasn’t he willing to kill Jared to get to her in an earlier chapter or three?  Why is he all of a sudden a loyal soldier coming when he’s beckoned?

Melanie was just as aghast. My poor baby.

I told you it was a bad idea to tell him everything, I reminded her.

What will it do to him now, when we die?

It’s going to be terrible. He’ll be traumatized and scarred and devastated –

NOW she’s concerned.  And anyway, he would have been all of those things either way.  So just shut up.

“They’re just shocked, that’s all.” I recognized Trudy’s alto voice behind me. “Once we get a chance to explain, they’ll see reason.”

“See reason? Kyle?” someone hissed almost unintelligibly.

He had her at arm’s length and not only didn’t kill her, he left the room without touching her at the orders of someone who he’d threatened to kill to get to her before.  So, yes?

They all discuss how to keep her safe from the people who haven’t been acclimatized to her presence yet and then she, once again, becomes a total bitch.Martyr

“No,” I finally managed to choke out. “No. That’s not right. You shouldn’t fight with each other. You all belong here. You belong together. Not fighting, not because of me.”

I pulled Jamie’s arms from around my waist, holding his wrists when he tried to stop me.

“I just need a minute to myself,” I told him, ignoring all the stares I could feel on my face. “I need to be alone.” I turned my head to find Jeb. “And you should have a chance to discuss this without me listening. It’s not fair–having to discuss strategy in front of the enemy.”

First, she’s martyring herself AGAIN.  Second, she’s saying they think of her as the enemy despite that they all just said that they would willingly risk their safety to protect her.  She’s an ignorant, self centered bitch and I am sick and tired of her demonizing the people that care about her.

The chapter ends with her running off in the most emo huff ever and going back to the cave bubble.

I hate this book.  That’s all I have to say.

Till next time.  Check out The Llama’s take on this chapter as well.

Q&A: Who Do You Miss?

“Who is the person you miss most right now?”

Yay, I get to out myself as an awful human being!  Whoo!

Excited Gir

So, yeah, the answer to that question?  No one.  There is not a single person that I genuinely miss right at the moment.

I don’t really miss people.  I mean, I have missed people.  Not since the last time I had a crush, but, I have missed people.  What you have to understand though is that I’ve moved a lot in my life.  For most of my life I haven’t lived in the same place as my friends.  When I was young that sucked because the internet wasn’t a thing and long distance was too expensive, so I would miss them and then after a while, I would, well, stop missing them… But now I have the internet.  So the friends I made in high school are just a Skype message away!

I guess I miss the abstract concept of people.  I miss having someone to go do things with.  But even that, I went to a movie by myself for the first time to see Thor 2 (fun movie if you haven’t seen it yet.  If you’re a comic book fan or just enjoyed the Marvel movies so far, you’ll probably enjoy it) and while I did wish I had a friend there, it wasn’t as weird as I expected it to be.  The usher showing me which theatre I was supposed to go to put his hand on my back and that was really awkward and uncomfortable, but other than that…

You don't know me

That got weird in a hurry…  What was I talking about?  Oh right, I’m a terrible person.  I live alone, when I live in camp for work, I don’t eat with the other people, I kind of hate my coworker, my boss doesn’t talk much, and the people that work in the neighboring offices are mostly guys in their 60’s or early 20’s that I have nothing in common with so I don’t miss anyone from work ever either.

I don’t miss family, I don’t have friends I don’t talk to often enough for that to become a thing, I don’t have a long distance love, or a short distance one for that matter.  I don’t like humanity in general (no offense.  I’m sure all of my readers are awesome), so I definitely don’t miss just being around people.  I get lonely, sure, but I tend to like being alone.  I would just prefer if sometimes someone else was in the physical vicinity to go and do things with.  I’ve been like that my whole life.  My mom used to say when I was only 2 or 3 that I never wanted people to be talking to me or playing with me, I just always wanted them close enough that if I decided I wanted to talk to them I could.  So what’s there to miss if I always kept everyone at arms length to begin with?

The Host Review: Compelled (ch 25)

‘Compelled’.  This is another chapter title like ‘Confessed’ that’s kind of a terrible chapter title unless you’re talking about like, hypnotic suggestions.  ‘Confessed should have been saved for when she was talking about her supposed big secret, compelled should be when she’s being coerced into something.  Whatever.  I’m giving these titles way more thought than they deserve.

Another week passed, maybe two–there seemed little point in keeping track of time here, where it was so irrelevant–and things only got stranger for me.

If you’re not keeping track of the time, please stop giving us a vague idea of how much passes.  If time is irrelevant, just say ‘Keeping track of the days that passed was meaningless here.’  Or just don’t bring it up at all.  Just be vague.  ‘Days passed.’ ‘Weeks passed.’ Don’t point out that you’re pointing out the time that passed and then say ‘oh but that’s not important’ because you’re literally saying you’re wasting our fucking time!

I carried water, boiled onion soup, washed clothes in the far end of the black pool, and burned my hands making that acidic soap.

Random fact I in no way expected Meyer to know; soap is alkaline, not acidic.  Can still burn, just, you know, not acidic.  Cleaning with acids doesn’t tend to work as well.  It can be done.  But yeah, generally cleaning products like soap are alkaline.  Another random fact; acids strong enough to burn but not strong enough to actually eat away your flesh will cause raised light coloured scarring, while alkaline burns will cause red scars that are not raised.  …What?  I like talking about science…

I considered putting pictures comparing acidic and alkali burns, but I decided to show you a kitten instead.

I considered putting pictures comparing acidic and alkali burns, but I decided to show you a kitten instead.

Everyone did their part, and since I had no right to be here, I tried to work twice as hard as the others. I could not earn a place, I knew that, but I tried to make my presence as light a burden as possible.

‘Oh I don’t fit in at all with these people who have accepted me into their home and are gradually growing accustomed to my presence and some of them are actually being really nice to me and kind of accepting me completely, but woe is me!  It’s so sad being a special little snow flake!’

Oh god someone named their kid Freedom… And it wasn’t one of the aliens.  I’m willing to bet there’s a real baby out there named Freedom, probably a 9/11 baby, but, people, if you name your kid that, you’re a terrible human being.

It was this of Team America.

It was this of Team America.

All the characters we don’t care about get names and origin stories that I will never remember or care about so I’m skipping that part.

The pallid man with the white hair was Walter. He was sick, but Doc didn’t know what was wrong with him–there was no way to find out, not without labs and tests, and even if Doc could diagnose the problem, he had no medicine to treat it. As the symptoms progressed, Doc was starting to think it was a form of cancer. This pained me–to watch someone actually dying from something so easily fixed.

Except Walter.  I’ll point out Walter.  Why?  Because I’ll bet you that by the end of this book she cures Walter’s cancer.  Because she’s alien Jesus remember.

Man did I ever not think I'd get to use THIS again...

Man did I ever not think I’d get to use THIS again…

I’ll bitch about that if/when it happens because the ‘so easily treatable’ part genuinely pisses me off.  The reason we don’t have a cure for cancer yet isn’t because we’re not working our asses off to find one, it’s because every type of cancer is drastically different.  There is no ‘cure for cancer’.  When it’s all said and done there will be a cure for lung cancer, and a different cure for prostate cancer, and another one for breast cancer, and a completely different one for skin cancer.  Because they’re all different, and they’re all a bitch to contain and treat.  And for her to come in and say that her alien medicine will just magically fix it all is incredibly insulting.

I also learned more about my neighbors.

Ian and Kyle shared the cave on my hallway with the two real doors propped over the entrance. Ian had begun bunking with Wes in another corridor in protest of my presence here, but he’d moved back after just two nights.

This seems incredibly inconsistent.  It was before she left the cave bubble that he had admitted to feeling guilty for hurting her.  It was before he would have known she had a room outside the cave bubble that he joined her with Jeb on the cave tour, so he must have understood that she was being integrated at that point and didn’t see her as a threat.  So why would he protest her presence after willingly enjoying her presence earlier that same day?  It was after her first night in the room that he joined them working in the fields.  It was the second day of that that he joined them in the cafeteria.  All of that before he supposedly stopped protesting her presence?  Doesn’t make sense.


The other nearby caves had also gone vacant for a while. Jeb told me the occupants were afraid of me, which made me laugh. Were twenty-nine rattlesnakes afraid of a lone field mouse?

I’m getting really sick of having to tell you to go fuck yourself.

OH MY GOD WANDERER SHUT UP!  She spends the next while describing EVERY SINGLE DOOR and who lives behind it!  I DON’T CARE!  NO ONE FUCKING CARES!

You know what?  No, I want you to understand how bad this is.

Now Paige was back, next door, in the cave she shared with her partner, Andy, whose absence she mourned. Lily was with Heidi in the first cave, with the flowered sheets; Heath was in the second, with the duct-taped cardboard; and Trudy and Geoffrey were in the third, with a striped quilt. Reid and Violetta were one cave farther down the hall than mine, their privacy protected by a stained and threadbare oriental carpet.

The fourth cave in this corridor belonged to Doc and Sharon, and the fifth to Maggie, but none of these three had returned.


Riveting isn’t it?  I know all of you were just so glad I made you read that!  We all needed to know about the duct tape door and the striped quilt!  Thrilling!  Tell us more!  Llama suggested that Meyer might have a minimum word count she’s got to meet and I’m starting to think she must be right.  I cannot think of a single other reason she felt the need to list every single person living there (she actually does list all of them.) a description of every door, listing where some of them are from, giving them general descriptions…

Here’s a pro-tip for any writers out there; never do that.  Not because none of those people will be important and we don’t need to know (they won’t and we don’t) but because if you do it that way we will NEVER remember them.  Too much information all at once it’s much too difficult for the average person to recall that.  That’s why most books either limit the number of characters you learn the names of or they take the time to introduce them to you when it’s more natural to do so and not all at once.  You learn everyone’s name and description when it makes sense and then it’s reinforced later.  That way you have a chance to digest it and then have it refreshed in your memory before it disappears.

This is an actual memory trick that you can do.  Get a word or a fact, go over it once, leave it for a while, then come back to it.  Leave it for longer, come back to it again.  Leave it even longer, come back to it again.  You are much more likely to remember it doing it that way than just saying ‘Greg, Greg, Greg, Greg’.  You say it the same number of times, but you remember it longer and better spacing it out.

I got side tracked again…

funky detour sign

We find out that after Melanie was infested Jared and Jamie went looking for Sharon and found her.  Maggie held them at sword point but eventually they worked things out and skipped off together to find Jeb.  Which just backs up what I said in an earlier chapter about how Melanie was really stupid for having gone alone.  That is proof of that fact.

Wanderer mentions that Melanie is getting quieter and quieter, rarely ever speaking now and when she does it’s more muted than it used to be.  Jamie asks about it, and she tells him the truth, but then Jamie asks if that means that Melanie will eventually disappear and really be gone for good.

Rather than being sad for Jamie’s grief, potentially losing Melanie twice, rather than being worried herself, she goes on about how much she loves Jamie and how much she doesn’t like that fact.  Because everything is fucking about you isn’t it Wanderer?!  Anyway, she tells him the truth, again showing no emotion regarding his feelings, no concern, she just says she hopes not.

He asks her if Wanderer hates Melanie, or ever hated her.  She says she was mad and scared, but she never hated her (LIAR!  You liarI actually think she might have specifically used the word hate at one point but I don’t care enough to go back and find a quote) and Jamie thinks it’s funny that Wanderer was afraid of her.

“You don’t think your sister can be scary? Remember the time you went too far up the canyon, and when you came home late she ‘threw a raging hissy fit,’ according to Jared?”

He chuckled at the memory. I was pleased, having distracted him from his painful question.

I was eager to keep the peace with all my new companions in any way I could. I thought I was willing to do anything, no matter how backbreaking or smelly, but it turned out I was wrong.

“So I was thinking,” Jeb said to me one day, maybe two weeks after everyone had “calmed down.”

You may be wondering right now why I just quoted two clearly separate sections of the book that have nothing to do with each other.  I didn’t.  That is exactly how it appears in the book.  When I read ‘I was eager…’ I genuinely thought I was still reading the Jamie scene.  There is nothing to break them apart at all.  It was incredibly confusing.

I was beginning to hate those words from Jeb.

“Do you remember what I was saying about you maybe teaching a little here?”

My answer was curt. “Yes.”

“Well, how ’bout it?”

I didn’t have to think it through. “No.”

‘Didn’t have to think it through’ or just ‘didn’t want to’? There’s a pretty massive difference there Wanderer.

Big difference

My refusal sent an unexpected pang of guilt through me. I’d never refused a Calling before.


A calling is something you’re DESTINED to do.  What you’re referring to is a JOB.  We have a fucking word for it, it’s called a JOB.  YOU SPEAK ENGLISH.  SO SPEAK ENGLISH.

It felt like a selfish thing to do. Obviously, though, this was not the same. The souls would have never asked me to do something so suicidal.

For those of you who don't watch Jon Stewart regularly that is the Go Fuck Yourself choir, and that is legitimately what they are singing.  Expect me to use a youtube clip of them in future chapters.

For those of you who don’t watch Jon Stewart regularly that is the Go Fuck Yourself choir, and that is legitimately what they are singing. Expect me to use a youtube clip of them in future chapters.

Sing along with me at home kids!  Go fuck yourself.

“How does it help them, Jeb? Do you think I know something that could destroy the souls? Turn the tide? Jeb, it’s over.”

“It’s not over while we’re still here,” he told me, grinning so I knew he was teasing me again. “I don’t expect you to turn traitor and give us some super-weapon. I just think we should know more about the world we live in.”

I flinched at the word traitor. “I couldn’t give you a weapon if I wanted to, Jeb. We don’t have some great weakness, an Achilles’ heel. No archenemies out there in space who could come to your aid, no viruses that will wipe us out and leave you standing. Sorry.”

He just said that wasn’t what he was asking.  JUST said it.  Are you deaf?  Are you learning impaired?  I’m starting to think you might be, because you clearly don’t seem to be capable of learning anything about human behaviour or the language you’re speaking, or emotion, or learning from your past experiences… Maybe it’s just a comprehension issue.  Maybe she legitimately is only grasping part of the conversation and the rest, because so much of her mental capacity is reserved to maintaining control over her host, she has less mental processing power for the information she’s taking in.  So she doesn’t keep anything but the basic outline of what’s said and that’s why she doesn’t seem to understand so very much.

It makes more sense than that she’s spent 3 weeks with this guy without realizing that he’s not an asshole.  This chapter isn’t even half over yet by the way.


I knew Jeb would not leave it alone. Was Jeb capable of conceding defeat? I doubted it.

Most leaders aren’t.  That’s why they’re leaders.  They strive for success and will do what it takes to achieve it.  Conceding defeat before all is said and done is sometimes more rational, but it’s not really something you want a leader to do most of the time.  If he had they’d all be dead right now.  Including Wanderer since she wouldn’t have been found…  Dammit Jeb, I’m really starting to not like you.

At mealtimes I usually sat with Jeb and Jamie, if he was not in school or busy elsewhere. Ian always sat near, though not really with us. I could not fully accept the idea of his self-appointed role as my bodyguard. It seemed too good to be true and thus, by human philosophy, clearly false.

…What?  What kind of logic is that?  Human philosophy?  I’d say doubt and mistrust are all on you Wanderer, don’t go blaming that on the humans.

Doc starts walking towards her and she tries to turn tail and run like the coward she is.


But Jamie was with me, and he took my hand when he saw the familiar panicked look come into my eyes. He was developing an uncanny ability to sense when I was turning skittish. I sighed and stayed where I was. It should probably have bothered me more that I was such a slave to this child’s wishes.

First problem: You’re still panicking over NOTHING.  Stop it.  It got boring about 10 chapters ago, and stopped making even the tiniest bit of sense 9 chapters ago.  Second problem: the fact that you’re still doing it so often that the kid has developed a response mechanism to it makes you even more pathetic.  If you do it THAT often and you STILL haven’t learned that every single time you have a panic attack that NOTHING bad actually happens so you can stop panicking, you are really backing up my earlier theory that you are literally incapable of learning.

Third problem: really Wanderer?  Really?  You’re going to be a bitch about the kid trying to prove to you that there’s nothing to be scared of?

You suck

“We boiled soup today,” Jamie announced. “My eyes are still stinging.”

Doc held up a pair of bright red hands. “Soap.”

Jamie laughed. “You win.”

Just a refresher, Jamie is 14.  Not 4.

Doc asks her about which of the other species she’s encountered are closest to humans.  She asks why he wants to know, and I very literally actually twitched when I read his response.  This book is making me develop ticks.  This is not healthy.

“Just good old-fashioned biological curiosity. I guess I’ve been thinking about your Healers.… Where do they get the knowledge to cure, rather than just treat symptoms, as you said?”


Finding a gif where someone uses the word 'twit' not in reference to twitter was a lot harder than I expected.

Finding a gif where someone uses the word ‘twit’ not in reference to twitter was a lot harder than I expected.

And now we get to learn about the bears because of fucking Jeb.  Fuck you Jeb.  I don’t like you anymore.  Again.  Call Wanderer on her bullshit some more and I’ll hate you less, but for now you have to stop making her talk about the fucking aliens.

Apparently the bears use their claws to sculpt ice into houses.  They have entire fucking BEAR cities made out of ice that they built with their claws.  I assure you I am struggling to contain my joy at learning these things.

She says that the bears had similar emotions and need for social structure that humans do.  So I refer back to my constant complaints of how no other species mentally fought them off and how she’s never experienced negative emotions before.  It’s entirely illogical and I don’t care to listen to her attempt to explain it so I hope she doesn’t try and fill that plot hole.

“They see a different range of colors–the ice is full of rainbows. Their cities are a point of pride for them.


That is just too easy.  Moving on.

I knew of one Bear who we called… well, something like Glitter Weaver, but it sounds better in that language

Why does every species name their people the way white people name natives in shitty movies?  The see weeds, the bats, the flowers, now the bears.  Humans aren’t named like that.  My name means ‘he who is like god’.  So if a parasite who took the name Michael or Michelle goes to another planet will they call themselves ‘god like’?  What about names like Lily that are flower names?  What would that translate to?  ‘White flower’?  Or is Meyer just a terrible writer who didn’t want to try and do what we do when taking names from other cultures and just make it sound as close as we can?  I want to learn of an alien named ‘Gluthub’ or something.  He came from a fish world.  They spoke in glubs.

 “How do your Healers get their knowledge about the physiology of a new species? They came to this planet prepared. I watched it start–watched the terminal patients walk out of the hospital whole.…” A frown etched a V-shaped crease into Doc’s narrow forehead. He hated the invaders, like everyone, but unlike the others, he also envied them.

I didn’t want to answer. Everyone was listening to us by this point, and this was no pretty fairy tale about ice-sculpting Bears. This was the story of their defeat.

Doc waited, frowning.

“They… they take samples,” I muttered.

Ian grinned in understanding. “Alien abductions.”


I’m just going to sit here for a moment banging my head against the table.  Once I’ve given myself a concussion to forget that little snippet we’ll move on.

“Where did your kind begin?” Doc asked. “Do you remember? I mean, as a species, do you know how you evolved?”

“The Origin,” I answered, nodding. “We still live there. It’s where I was… born.”

“That’s kind of special,” Jamie added. “It’s rare to meet someone from the Origin, isn’t it? Most souls try to stay there, right, Wanda?” He didn’t wait for my response. I was beginning to regret answering his questions so thoroughly each night. “So when someone moves on, it makes them almost… like a celebrity? Or like a member of a royal family.”


I’m just going to continue banging my head a while longer…  Look, do I even have to explain how bad this is?  Why this pisses me off so much?  I’m pretty sure by this point I just have to quote the worst parts of the book and you’ll all see it too.  This is the single worst thing I have ever read in my entire life.  And I read 10 books in 2 months recently, so it’s not like I just don’t read things.  I’ve read shitty fan fiction that was better than this crap!  I bet I can find fan fiction of THIS BOOK that is better than this book!

“It’s a cool place,” Jamie went on. “Lots of clouds, with a bunch of different-colored layers. It’s the only planet where the souls can live outside of a host for very long. The hosts on the Origin planet are really pretty, too, with sort of wings and lots of tentacles and big silver eyes.”

Origin is heaven and the souls there inhabit angels.  Tentacled angels, but angels none the less.  It’s at this point that I would like to state that Meyer is a Mormon and Mormon’s believe that God is an actual physical being living on another planet.  So she’s writing alien fan fiction of her religious beliefs.

Doc was leaning forward with his face in his hands. “Do they remember how the host-parasite relationship was formed? How did the colonization begin?”

Jamie looked at me, shrugging.

“We were always that way,” I answered slowly, still unwilling. “As far back as we were intelligent enough to know ourselves, at least. We were discovered by another species–the Vultures, we call them here, though more for their personalities than for their looks. They were… not kind. Then we discovered that we could bond with them just as we had with our original hosts. Once we controlled them, we made use of their technology. We took their planet first, and then followed them to the Dragon Planet and the Summer World–lovely places where the Vultures had also not been kind. We started colonizing; our hosts reproduced so much slower than we did, and their life spans were short. We began exploring farther into the universe.…”


I don’t understand how the parasites reproduce at all!  I’ve never been this confused about anything!  Calculus was easier to understand than this shit!  I’ve taken physics, chemistry, biology, neural biology, I’ve studied foreign languages and cultures, I’ve taken a fucking astrobiology course!  I SHOULD NOT BE THIS CONFUSED!

If they live out multiple host life times, and they die to reproduce, they CAN’T reproduce faster than their host does!  It is literally not fucking possible!  They may reproduce in greater NUMBERS.  Is THAT what she means there?  If it is then she picked really terrible wording.  Again.  Because when I read that it sounds to me like she’s saying that they reproduce earlier in life or have a shorter gestation period or something.  But, what, do they lay eggs inside the hosts brain?  Do they have to leave the host and then give birth and then the babies eat them?  Do they reproduce asexually or do they need to find a partner?  If they need to find a partner do they have to leave their host body to transfer genetic material or can they do it surgically?  How did they implant themselves in the first hosts without the tools and dexterity to do so?  If the harpies were the first species that they encountered with technology how did they infect the harpies?!

Oh my god I’m so confused by all of this.  It just makes no sense at all and yet she keeps talking about it and making it make even less fucking sense!


“How old are you? ” Ian asked, leaning toward me, his brilliant blue eyes penetrating.

“I don’t know in Earth years.”

“An estimate?” he pressed.

“Thousands of years, maybe.” I shrugged. “I lose track of the years spent in hibernation.”

And absolutely none of that experience and time for learning has sunk in at any point.

“But in a very real sense, I’m younger than you,” I murmured to him. “Not even a year old. I feel like a child all the time.”

Unless they lose all memories of their past lives, which you clearly don’t, sorry, but, no it doesn’t work that way.  And that is not an excuse for your childishness.  You have the memories of all your past lives plus all the memories of Melanie’s life experience, you are NOT only a year old.  The fact that you feel like a child all of the time is because you are a terrible little being who sucks at life.

She finally leaves the kitchen and Jamie follows.  He says he thinks everyone wants to listen to her stories as much as he does, they just don’t know it yet.

“What if I don’t want to tell them?”

The emphasis here is on the wrong word.  To have the desired impact it should be “What if I don’t want to tell them?”

Anyway, whiney, whiney, bitchy bitch.  Sick of this book, sick of Wanderer, sick of aliens that make no sense.  Sick of Jamie acting a decade below his age, sick of Sharon being a bitch, sick of Doc and Ian being nice in a patronizing way.  I’m sick of badly worded sentences, I’m sick of Wanderer hating everyone.  I am just sick of this goddamn book.  It’s terrible!  There’s still two more pages left in this chapter…

Upset Panda is getting really tired of your shit.

Upset Panda is getting really tired of your shit.

“Don’t be mad,” he pleaded. “Jeb means well.”

I groaned again.

I guess this is supposed to back up her calling herself a child, but she’s not acting like a child, she’s acting like a teenager.  And a particularly shitty one at that.

“Well, that’s wonderful.”

“You’re pretty good with sarcasm. I thought the parasites–I mean the souls–didn’t like negative humor. Just the happy stuff.”

“They’d learn pretty quick in here, kid.”


Jamie laughed and then took my hand. “You don’t hate it here, do you? You’re not miserable, are you?”

His big chocolate-colored eyes were troubled.

I pressed his hand to my face. “I’m fine,” I told him, and at that moment, it was entirely the truth.



Anyway, that’s where the chapter ends.  Just her acting like a spoiled teenager being asked to go mow the lawn when they just want to sit in their room and write shitty emo poetry and no one ‘gets them’.

I will finish this book because I started it, but it is going to hurt people.

Till next time.

The Host Review: Tolerated (Ch 24)

Have I mentioned recently that I hate this book?  That it may very well be the single worst thing I have ever read?  And I have read a pretty decent number of books.  About 25% of this book is violent rage inducing, 45% is just incredibly pointlessly dull, 20% is inconsistent characterization moving the plot forward through convenient coincidences, 8% is Wanderer being racist, and 2% is hidden gems of decent writing that make the violent rage inducing and pointlessly dull parts so much worse.

This chapter falls mostly in the pointlessly dull category.

Jacks a dull boy

It was true that I did not smell good.

That is the very first line of this chapter.  Keep in mind that the very first line of a chapter is meant to set the tone for it.  So that’s the tone you can expect, Wanderer smells like ass.  Strong start!

I’d lost count of how many days I’d spent here–was it more than a week now? more than two?–and all of them sweating into the same clothes I’d worn on my disastrous desert trek. So much salt had dried into my cotton shirt that it was creased into rigid accordion wrinkles. It used to be pale yellow; now it was a splotchy, diseased-looking print in the same dark purple color as the cave floor. My short hair was crunchy and gritty; I could feel it standing out in wild tangles around my head, with a stiff crest on top, like a cockatoo’s. I hadn’t seen my face recently, but I imagined it in two shades of purple: cave-dirt purple and healing-bruise purple.

She doesn’t know how long she’s been there, could be less than a week or more than two.  Okay… I have a terrible sense of time, but I’m pretty sure if I was sitting around in a cave hole with nothing to do for several days straight I would keep track of days.  Which could be done by watching when Jared goes to sleep, or how much food is brought, or in severe boredom, actually counting the seconds as they pass…  He only took her to the bathroom at night, so how many times did he take her to the bathroom?  How does she not know how long she’s been there?!

If she’s been sitting in something caked in that much salt for many days, it would have dried her skin to the point of severe pain.  Rashes, cracking, blistering, followed by the pain of literal salt in an open wound.  Pleasant thought isn’t it?!  She makes no mention of any of this.

Purple dirt?  I don’t know what makes purple dirt but last I checked the Arizona desert was brown primarily.  So I have no idea where dark purple came from.

There's apparently purple dirt in Hawaii, but, 1, that's not what I would call DARK purple, and 2, they're not in Hawaii.

There’s apparently purple dirt in Hawaii, but, 1, that’s not what I would call DARK purple, and 2, they’re not in Hawaii.

I ended up with an old but clean flannel shirt of Jeb’s that had the sleeves ripped off, and a pair of faded, holey cutoff sweatpants that had gone unclaimed for months.

That might very well be the single most white trash outfit I have ever heard described.  It suits her.

Several paragraphs of her noticing people glaring at her and describing people she’s already described, she finally gets to take her bath because I care so much that she gets to feel clean.  She hops in wearing her clothes and washes them while she’s wearing them until for some reason she finally decides to take them off.  I understand why taking them off makes sense, I just don’t understand why she wore them into the water in the first place instead.

It seemed as if the places where the bruises had formed were more sensitive than the rest of me


Brilliant deduction.  Truly you are a master detective.

It was with a strange mingling of relief and regret that I sloshed my way out of the pool. The water was very pleasant, as was the feeling of clean, if prickling, skin. But I’d had quite enough of the blindness and the things I could imagine into the darkness.

Didn’t you spend an entire lifetime without a sense of sight?  Do you take nothing of your past experiences with you?  Why do none of her past experiences seem to colour her behaviour AT ALL?  Yes, humans lack echolocation and thus the lack of sight would be more troublesome for us than a bat (since she hasn’t yet made me rage quit by telling us what the bats actually were like I’m still working from the assumption that they were bats.) but we still have a very useful sense of touch, smell, hearing, we can detect subtle changes in the motion of the water, the air, etc.  We can detect the low level growls of predators that we can’t consciously hear.  In an echoey, damp cave it would be incredibly difficult for someone to sneak up on her.  And chances are anything in the water is not big enough to hurt her, nor would it want to.


I felt around until I found the dry clothes, then I pulled them quickly on and shoved my water-wrinkled feet into my shoes.

So she just soaked the shit out of her clean clothes.  Just saying.

“You look better,” [Ian] told me, but I couldn’t tell from his tone if he was surprised or annoyed that I did.

He raised one arm, extending his long, pale fingers toward my neck. I flinched away, and he dropped his hand quickly.

“Sorry about that,” he muttered.

Did he mean for scaring me now or for marking up my neck in the first place? I couldn’t imagine that he was apologizing for trying to kill me. Surely he still wanted me dead. But I wasn’t going to ask. I started walking, and Jeb fell into step behind me.

This right here is what I was referring to earlier in the book by her biases colouring her interpretations of the other characters.  We are forced to look at Seeker’s behaviour through her dickish lens and clearly she just hates everyone and doesn’t know how to interpret inflection and body language.  At all.  She is an unreliable narrator, and in a well written book it would turn out in the end that she was just wrong about everything, but since this is Stephanie Meyer she’ll be right about everything just because.

Hank Green because of reasons gif

Also, she’s still totally bitchy and racist, because the only character in this book that’s completely consistent is the one that sucks the hardest.

“So, today wasn’t that bad,” Jeb said as we walked through the dark corridor.

“Not that bad,” I murmured.

She compared her appearance to a cockatoo earlier, and now she’s behaving like a parrot.  I can’t think of a good joke to put here.  Dammit.


He makes her eat in the cafeteria and she goes on about how much everyone goes silent because we’re totally not sick of hearing that yet.  The next day they work the fields again and she describes some people some more.  Bored.

Ian worked with us, when it was clearly not his turn, and this bothered me.

He likes you.  It should bother you.  Because it’s going to make this book suck even more than it already does.

When Jamie asked me about my day, the best I could do was stare intently at my food and mumble one-word answers. This seemed to make him sad, but he didn’t push me.

Where the hell is Melanie to yell at her for being mean to Jamie?  Where is her guilt for not being able to be nice to the only people in this book that don’t hate her and the only one in this book that she actually likes back?  Where is the guilt over not being able to display the politeness she says is in her species nature?  Why is she so goddamn selfish and stupid?!

The following day Jeb teaches her to make bread and leaves her alone with 3 women she doesn’t know.  And of course she freaks out waiting for them to kill her because all people are terrible killers.  And, gasp, they don’t!  So shocked!

Joey Shocked

The other women get mad at Jeb for taking so long when he gets back and he just acts smug about it.  And how little I care cannot be adequately conveyed in words.

The NEXT day, because this chapter just goes on forever, they’re cleaning the mirrors with Ian.  When they head to get some food Wanderer notices that Jeb’s not carrying a gun and she actually gasps and starts shaking.  Because weapons are only bad when they’re not protecting her apparently.  He asks her what’s wrong, but she doesn’t answer.

I would have answered if Ian hadn’t been right beside him, watching my strange behavior with fascination in his vivid blue eyes.

For the love of god just have them fuck already I am sick of having to hear about his vivid eyes and soft lips and glistening skin.  I don’t caaaaaare.  Why can’t she describe him in the same vagueness she describes everyone else?  She describes him as much as she describes the fucking rocks in the wandering the desert chapters!

He was a good liar, and I began to wonder if leaving the gun behind today, and leaving me alone yesterday, and all this effort forcing me into human company was his way of getting me killed without doing the job himself. Was the friendship all in my head? Another lie?

Ed Wood

Just, seriously, go fuck yourself.

Anyway they get to the cafeteria and, gasp again, nothing happens.  Everyone continues chatting like normal human beings because after several days of seeing her around, giving her that much attention finally got exhausting.  She’s proven to not be a threat, and they want to just get on with their lives.  But of course it has to be this huge deal.  They start chatting with one of the women and assure her that ‘Andy’ is coming back because Jared is magic.

My interest sparked when he mentioned Jared–and Melanie, so somnolent these days, stirred–but Ian didn’t say anything else.

I’m just curious, has anyone reading this ever even heard the word somnolent before?  Seen it?  Any clue what the fuck it means?  In case you, like me, had not, it means sleepy.  She’s saying Melanie’s been more or less absent.

I would like to point out that she acts like she’s almost disappointed by the fact that people stop caring that she’s there.  I’m going to grab a couple different quotes to explain that one.

They must have been tired of letting me interrupt their lives.

“Things are settling down,” Ian commented to Jeb.

“Knew they would. We’re all reasonable folks here.”

I frowned to myself.

My novelty had apparently worn off.

She seems annoyed that they’re not paying attention to her doesn’t she?  That’s how it reads to me at least…

Guuuuuuys, why did you stop being horrified of my existaaannnceeee, come ooooonnnnn

Guuuuuuys, why did you stop being horrified of my existaaannnceeee, come ooooonnnnn

After they eat she asks Jeb why he’s trying to get her killed and he’s confused.  She mentions him not taking the gun and leaving her alone and he explains that he was just trying to get the people used to her and everything that was obvious to everyone that isn’t brain dead.  She isn’t sure what to think about his answer, but then she asks him why he’s her friend and he says he’s curious.  And then he says this:

And see, here you are, one of the nicest gals I ever met.

Nope.  Not even close.  She’s a racist, mean spirited, self centered bitch.  In fact she just accused you of trying to get her killed after you spent the last couple of weeks being nothing but nice to her and getting her everything she needs and treating her like a regular human being.  She’s a fucking bitch.

Jeb starts sending her alone on tasks and no one kills her some more and blah blah blah.  Ian comes with her to give Doc a message for Jeb at one point and apparently Ian and Doc exchange a glance.  Likely the ‘you want in her pants don’t you?’ look, because cockatoo’s in flannel cut offs are sexy apparently.  She doesn’t know what it means, but that’s most likely the look she’s talking about.  Anyway on the way back, she asks him why he hasn’t killed her yet.  He gives the reasonable response that after having given it some thought and seeing that she’s not a risk, killing her for the acts of her species seemed cruel and unnecessary.

How strange that Ian, of all the humans, should have such a surprisingly gentle interior. I didn’t realize that cruelty would seem a negative to him.

Because he’s been soooo awful to her recently.  Yeah, I berated his choice of actions when he first did try and kill her, but since then he has been very pleasant to her.  He seemed to go out of his way to make up for his behaviour and seemed to genuinely regret the action.  As much as I harp on the fact that he’s so blatantly a love interest that I would rather never came to fruition, that’s just because I just really don’t want to read about it.  He’s actually been a lot nicer to her than Jared and she has more reason to like him than Jared on both a personal and romantic level.

The chapter ends with Ian telling her that he and Doc have been trying to protect her.  This chapter was mercifully short and less awful than the last one but still incredibly boring for its length.  She barely mentioned Jamie at all, and despite him being present and talking to her, he was given zero actual LINES.  Doc had none either.  Only Jeb, the women who didn’t kill her, and Ian.  Because Jamie, Melanie, and the people who are nice to her but are neither love interests nor her crazy old mentor, are not important enough to matter.

This book is incredibly poorly written, and yet there is an actual level of skill at play here.  Whether it’s intentional or not (it’s not), Meyer has created a story that is very good at making you focus on the things she wants you to notice.  If you weren’t stopping to think about what you’re reading like I have to do to write these reviews, it would be easy to not notice the things that Wanderer glosses over.  Meyer is carefully bringing attention to the things in the story that she wants you to care about.  I mentioned at length how much more detail Ian gets than everyone else, but it’s maliciously hidden in the story.  If you weren’t analyzing you very well could just not notice that she’s doing that and then later in the story remember how ‘soft’ and ‘shiny’ Ian is so when she falls for him or he makes a pass at her, or however this plays out, you would be primed to WANT it to happen.

Doc has been really nice to her too but we don’t know what he looks like, we don’t get to listen to him talk so we don’t know how pleasant he is to her for certain.  No, we only actually TALK to Ian.  We only have to listen to descriptions of Ian.  He is the important focus.  He is the one you have been primed to think about when you’re hoping for a romance to blossom because I assume anyone that actively chose to pick up this book was expecting a romance.  I was hoping for something tonally closer to Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep (technically it’s science fiction and about humans trying to make sure that the people around them are also humans, not secretly androids, so there is a comparison there, even if it’s a loose one…) but I knew it was a romance going in so I guess I was watching for it too.  But I also have to actually THINK about the things I’m noticing.

My brilliance is a burden

ANYWAY, final note, go read Philip K Dick and I’ll see you next time!

Don’t forget to check out The Llama’s review!


QA: When Are You Least Understood

“In what way are you least understood?”

Well… when I speak?  Yeah, that seems like a good answer.

I don’t mean that I use big words or I talk about concepts that others don’t understand, though the latter has been something I have been known to do as I ramble a lot.  I don’t mean that I talk too fast for people to follow what I’m saying or anything like that.  I’m saying that when I go to actually physically speak it’s like my brain shuts off and I forget basic words that I and everyone else use all the goddamn time.

It’s very difficult to understand someone stuttering ‘In-in-in… FUCK! What is that word?!’ when the word I’m trying to remember is as basic as ‘instant’.  I am just terrible at speaking my own native language.  It’s pretty pathetic.

I suspect this particular question is asking for something a little deeper than ‘people don’t understand me when I forget how to speak’.  I suspect it wants to know what aspect of your personality do people most often get confused about, or what belief do you have the hardest time getting people to see where you’re coming from on.  But the thing is, I don’t really talk to people that haven’t known me for years.  I haven’t met a new person that I’ve actually started talking to for any length of time or about anything particularly interesting since 2006.

I suppose I could say that my parents never understood that I struggle with depression, but since I stopped trying to get them to well over a decade ago I’m not sure I count that.

I don’t know.  I just never talk to people about anything important enough for me to notice or care whether or not they understand me.  I do not allow myself to be misunderstood on a personal level.  I feel bad for making that my answer, but it just is…  I don’t fear people not understanding me because I don’t offer them anything to misunderstand.

Check out The Llama’s answer and I’ll see you next time!

The Host Review: Confessed (ch 23)

Does anyone else think the titles of the chapters are stupid?  I think they’re incredibly stupid.  I still don’t even know what the last one was referring to.  It was called ‘Cracked’ but she wasn’t cracked over the head, she didn’t crack anything, no one got her to divulge her secret she claims is so important.  She didn’t go insane.  What the hell cracked?  And this one is ‘Confessed’.  Another seemingly random past tense verb.  Does she tell her secret this time?  I guess that depends what you consider to be her secret…

The last chapter left off with a real cliffhanger, BUT it’s resolved in the first few lines of the start of this one.  No actual build of suspense, just ‘omg there’s someone here!  Oh it’s just Jamie.’  Because fuck tension.

ah fuck it

Anyway, called it.  I said it would be Jamie!  I don’t know what he’s here for yet, but so far I’m 1 for 2.  Considering my second guess was that he was going to make her talk about the alien planets again, I beg Meyer to let me be wrong this time…

We learn that Jamie is there because apparently Jeb snores.  Need more information than that?  So does Wanderer.  Jamie goes on to explain that the room they’re in is Jared and Jamie’s and Jamie was the one who told Jeb she could use it.  But now he wants to sleep in there because he can’t sleep in the room with Jeb because he’s too loud.  It takes multiple paragraphs for him to communicate this information.

Wanderer flips out because Jared will kill her and Jamie reminds her that he did point out that it is his room as well, so Jared can suck it.  He’s less colourful than I am, but just as annoyed.  But he quickly goes coward by saying they just won’t tell Jared about this.

There’s some obnoxious back and forth for another page about who sleeps where and with what pillows and dear LORD I DO NOT CARE.  So much not caring.

I don't care

Eventually Jamie implies he has a question and there’s ANOTHER several paragraphs going back and forth trying to get the question out of him.

He asks whether or not Melanie is still alive, and Wanderer keeps quiet.

I have to admit this particular scene is well written.  At least by the standards of this book.  I feel for the kid.  He chokes up and starts to cry, getting angry that she won’t answer his question, and unable to figure out why.  It’s realistic, it’s human, it’s genuine.  Something that happens much too rarely in this book, so I will savour it.

For all of half a second before that fucking bitch ruins the moment.

He was probably a tool. The old man could have sent him just for this; Jeb was smart enough to see how easily Jamie broke through my defenses.


Words cannot express how much this makes me want to punch that bitch in the face.  This kid LOST HIS FUCKING MOTHER.  Now he has been given the HOPE that she’s STILL ALIVE and you are HIDING IT FROM HIM!  AND YOU’RE CALLING HIM A TOOL!  You MISERABLE, self centered, egotistical, sociopathic fucking BITCH.


The dumbass prattles on for a bit about how deceitful and cruel humans are.  Add bigoted racist to my above list.

Melanie pleads with Wanderer to share the truth.  She cries out about his suffering.  Wanderer says her pleas are ineffectual (her word).  She could take over when it came to Jared, but this is the second time she’s been unable to with Jamie.  So either the suffering of her brother, her ward, isn’t as important to her as simply the sight of her boyfriend, or, the much more likely explanation, Meyer is a fucking inconsistent shit author who just makes up the rules as she goes along.  Wanderer is strong enough to stop Melanie when it suits the plot.  Fuck Wanderer and fuck Stephanie Meyer.

I hate this book.

I'm noticing a theme in today's gifs...

I’m noticing a theme in today’s gifs…

She finally comes clean by saying that Melanie promised to come back to him and he holds her tight and cries and there’s another actually genuinely human moment where he tells Melanie he loves her, and she lets him know that Melanie loves him to and is happy that he’s safe.

Jamie asks if it’s normal and Wanderer says that Melanie is special.  Jamie asks whether or not Wanderer thinks his dad is still alive as well, and Wanderer has to say that he probably isn’t.  Apparently their father brought Seekers looking for them.  This raises some questions.  Chief among them being that if their father brought Seekers to look for them, then why didn’t they know that Melanie had a little brother as soon as they knew her name?  Why didn’t they already know where she’d been from?  Do they not keep records regarding humans that they searched for and never located?

Whatever, the moment is still significantly less shitty than the part I just raged at so I choose to not nitpick it to death any more than I already have and move on.

Doc wakes up.  Apparently he’s eavesdropping.  This doesn’t affect the conversation at all, Wanderer just wants you to know that humans are evil and they’re all out to get her.  Because fuck emotional moments.  They’re not important!

She continues to explain that she isn’t there to hurt them because Melanie made her love them and Jamie admits, sadly, that Jared hates her.  She says everyone does.  Except everyone doesn’t.  Jamie doesn’t.  Jeb doesn’t.  Doc doesn’t, Ian doesn’t.  That’s more than half of everyone she’s met since getting there.  Sure as fuck isn’t everyone!  Oh but Jared is the only one that matters, so the fact that HE hates her, everyone else might as well.  Plus, you know, she just assumes that everyone is evil and out to get her so they MUST hate her.  Except she said earlier in the chapter that she didn’t think Jeb meant her any harm, so she apparently doesn’t believe he hates her.  So he doesn’t count.

“Yes. Everyone does.” I sighed. “I can’t blame them.”

“Jeb doesn’t. And I don’t.”

“You might, after you think about it more.”

I do!  Just wanted to say that.

“But you weren’t even here when they took over. You didn’t pick my dad or my mom or Melanie. You were in outer space then, right?”

“Yes, but I am what I am, Jamie. I did what souls do. I’ve had many hosts before Melanie, and nothing’s stopped me from… taking lives. Again and again. It’s how I live.”


SHE ADMITTED SHE’S A MURDERER!  SHE SAID IT!  RIGHT THERE!  Remember that the next time you say your species is better than ours dumbass!

“Does Melanie hate you?”

I thought for a minute. “Not as much as she used to.”

No. I don’t hate you at all. Not anymore.

Why the fuck not?!  She’s been nothing but a bitch to you!

“How… how is she?”

“She’s happy to be here. She’s so happy to see you. She doesn’t even care that they’re going to kill us.”

Jamie stiffened under my arm. “They can’t! Not if Mel’s still alive!”

You’ve upset him, Melanie complained. You didn’t have to say that.

It won’t be any easier for him if he’s unprepared.

Anyone remember, a couple chapters back… oh I’ll just find it for you.  I’m feeling spiteful tonight.

He laughed as if my answer had delighted him. “No point in ignoring the truth. Doesn’t make it worse to have it said out loud.”

It didn’t make it better, either, but I didn’t say that.

That’s from chapter 20.  She didn’t appreciate Jeb telling her a harsh truth, but it’s a kindness to Jamie.  Because hypocrisy is cool.


Anyway, Jamie says he won’t let them kill her.  That Jared will protect her despite that he’ll think she’s lying, just on the off chance that it’s true.  Wanderer acts like a detached prick inhumanely cold to his impassioned statements.  Eventually they get to sleep.

Jeb was leaning against the natural rock door frame, his arms folded across his chest.

“Morning,” he said. “Get enough sleep?”

I stretched, decided that I felt acceptably rested, and then nodded.

“Oh, don’t give me the silent treatment again,” he complained, scowling.

I am so glad someone finally calls her on her shit!  Just don’t ask any more questions about the aliens and I might actually find it in my heart to forgive you for the last chapter if you keep this up!

“Now,” Jeb said as soon as we were alone. “I think all this baby-sitting nonsense has gone on long enough. I’m a busy man. Everyone is busy here–too busy to sit around playin’ guard. So today you’re going to have to come along with me while I get my chores done.”

I felt my mouth pop open.

He stared at me, no smile.

“Don’t look so terrified,” he grumbled. “You’ll be fine.” He patted his gun. “My house is no place for babies.”

He does keep it up!  And it’s beautiful!  I forgive you uncle Jeb.

Love you man

She spends an absolutely massive paragraph describing in detail every human they pass that we will likely never see again.  They’re just more pointless things for her to describe in useless detail because she hasn’t done that in a whole chapter.

Then we passed Ian.

“Hey, Jeb,” he said cheerfully. “Whatcha up to?”

“Turning the soil in the east field,” Jeb grunted.

“Want some help?”

Ought to make yourself useful,” Jeb muttered.

Ian took this as an assent and fell into step behind me.

Assent?  Really?  Assent was the best word you could think of?  Not ‘yes’?  Really?

There is an entire page of everyone saying hi multiple times as they pass everyone.  I wish I was exaggerating that.  ‘Hi person!’ ‘Hey Jeb, hey Ian!’ ‘Hey next person!’ ‘Hey Jeb, hey Ian!’ It’s just that for a whole page.


Jeb came back and handed me a shovel. I gripped the smooth, worn wooden handle, feeling its weight. After seeing the bloodlust in the humans’ eyes, it was hard not to think of it as a weapon.

Just reminding you that Wanderer keeps claiming she’s a peaceful alien with no concept of violence.  But using a shovel as a weapon occurred to her without anyone putting the idea in her head.  That didn’t come from the other people, that didn’t come from Melanie, it came from Wanderer.  Awful creative for someone who couldn’t even TOUCH the gun!

Oh okay

When they actually get to work Jeb is described with only one word; grunting.  That’s it.  Ian on the other hand, he has ‘fair skin’ and he removed his shirt, and he’s glistening.  Meyer has a thing for shiny men doesn’t she?  Is that a thing?  I didn’t know that was a thing.  Most women I talk to think sweaty guys are gross, and that’s what the ‘glisten’ is in this scene.  There’s no indication she thinks he’s attractive, I’m just saying that Meyer isn’t exactly the master of subtlety here so it’s a pretty safe bet.

The chapter ends with Wanderer assuming all the humans are going to kill her some more and being a bitch to Jeb some more.  Why change the formula that’s working so well so far?!

I feel like there was more worth talking about in this chapter but I’m not going to go back and read it a third time to look for what I missed.  Sorry folks!  This chapter simultaneously had some of the best moments and some of the most genuinely rage inducing.  My rants are never exaggerated, I really do get that angry and blustery over this crap, but it’s usually an anger that fades as soon as I move on.  The parts in this chapter that I hated I hated on a whole different level.  I cannot express adequately how badly written and poorly thought out this book is.  I cannot adequately express how much I know people who think like Wanderer DO actually exist and how TERRIBLE they are.

I decided I wanted another fire gif.  No, I don't care that it has nothing to do with anything.

I decided I wanted another fire gif. No, I don’t care that it has nothing to do with anything.

I’m not entirely certain why this chapter got to me so much worse than the previous ones did.  I hope this isn’t a trend…  I guess we’ll find out next time.  Till then, find out if The Llama is any less angry about this one than I am.